
A Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan -- 200,000 samples in 30 years

In 2011, Mr. Masahiro Nagashima (National Nagasaki Univ.) had performed a supplementary examination of Mr. Sakamoto's paper mentioned above.
The number of samples was 30,000 people in 11 years in Mr. Sakamoto's papers, to my surprise, as many as 200,000 people in 30 years are investigated by Mr. Nagashima's Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in 2011.  However, the number of samples and years and were not specified in this report for some reason, so that  I have to suppose these numbers.  The followings are excerpts:
We also demonstrate that significant difference on personal characteristics between blood-types by using the database on recent huge questionnaires survey.

From the Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
FY2011 Final Research Report: A demonstrative and critical study on pseudo-science for scientific literacy construction at teacher education course
代表者 武藤 浩二 Principal Investigator MUTO, Cosy (National Nagasaki Univ.)
研究分担者 長島 雅裕 Co-Investigator MASAHIRO, Nagashima (National Nagasaki Univ.)

Now, the statistical debate was already over!

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