
ESPN: Darvish can guess your blood type

Source: ESPN

The followings are excerpts:

"So there is Type A. That person is organized. Type B isn't exactly selfish but he goes his own way. Type O is laid back, a 'whatever happens' type of guy. AB is weird or different."

As he says all this, his catcher actually walks by. Darvish points back at Caratini as he passes.
"He's Type B," Darvish says with a smile. "I know it."

When a few teammates heard Darvish could guess blood types, they went scrambling to find out their own.
"I almost gave my mother a heart attack," first baseman Anthony Rizzo said with a laugh.
Rizzo called his mom to find out but without any explanation, she got worried. Alas, no transfusions were needed for her son, but she didn't know his blood type. Neither did Kris Bryant's mom or dad. However, Darvish's agent, Joel Wolfe, did know his -- which Darvish guessed correctly.

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