
President Clinton is Type AB

There is a site called WIKIDATA which is a sister version of Wikipedia.
The blood type of the US president is posted, so it is quite convenient.
For example, President Clinton is type AB.

President Clinton

Blood Type


Is Putin O or AB?

Putin's blood type is either O or AB.

[Evidence of Type O]

*Letters in red are translated from Russian using OCR and machine translation.

[Evidence of Type AB]
Source: 22:00-22:54 on May 21, BS-TBS, Foreign Reporters Saw Plus
Why do Japanese like blood types ? -- The nationality of typing things

What is certain is that President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev have the same blood type.
This information is available to many media.
But the blood type was not disclosed at that time, so I don't know what type they are.
I suppose it is O, but what type is it actually?


Taylor Swift is Type O+

According to Answers.com and other sources, Taylor Swift is Type O+.

Notice: The picture above has been modified since the ad was removed.

Warren Buffett is O!

According to Answers.com Warren Buffett is O.

Notice: the picture above has been modified since the ad was removed.

Steve Jobs is Type O-

I find his blood type on Japanese Wikipedia!
It is type O, Rh minus.
For some reason, there is no blood type information on English Wikipedia.

The following is another source.

For your information, Time Cook, Apple's present CEO is O-, too.


Interesting study by Prof. Hideo Hirose: Human Intuition Can Guess Blood Type

Here is an interesting study by Mr. Hideo Hirose, Professor at the Kyushu Institute of Technology (now he is at the Hiroshima Institute of Technology), in which person's ABO blood types can be guessed intuitively.

Source: Hirose Lab.

Hideo Hirose, A Probabilistic Solution for the Mystery of Japanese Blood Type Prediction Accuracy (2015) Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2015 Official Conference Proceedings. -> Source (PDF)

We have revealed that people implicitly use the underlying knowledge of relationship between personality and ABO blood types as imprinting, which shows us superficial human intuition ability.


Multivariate Covariance Analysis (MANCOVA) Textbook

There was nothing good in Japanese, so I asked for an English version of the book.

Ah, this book seems to be quite tough to read.
I hope it doesn't become a sleeping pill (laughs).


Hajime Yamagi: Blood Type B Is Vanishing - Was Albert Einstein disliked?

Hajime Yamagami has recently published his English book "Blood Type B Is Vanishing - Was Albert Einstein disliked?".

Currently, only ebook version is available; no paperback.

Said to be the best physicist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein has been treated as a strange person due to his unbelievable behavior and going at his own pace. It was caused by his blood type "B"!


Does Your Blood Type Affect Your Personality?

I find an article "Does Your Blood Type Affect Your Personality?" which said,

There have been numerous studies that have attempted to use research and statistics to study the linkage between blood type and personality.  Unfortunately, research has proven to be inadequate and restricted, as statistically inappropriate measures, methods, and samples have been utilized.  This has resulted in the failure to show any statistically significant correlations between blood type and personality. Due to this fact, blood type personality theory is largely dismissed by the scientific community.

URL: https://www.e-counseling.com/mental-health/does-your-blood-type-affect-your-personality/

But this is NOT true!

One of the Japanese research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) said "We also demonstrate that significant difference on personal characteristics between blood-types by using the database on recent huge questionnaires survey", as the following:

[Investigator] Cosy Muto, Masahiro Nagashima et al.
[Title] A demonstrative and critical study on pseud-science for scientific literacy construction at teacher education course
[Abstract] We also demonstrate that significant difference on personal characteristics between blood-types by using the database on recent huge questionnaires survey.


A Group of Japanese Reseachers Has Discovered a New Blood Group "KANNO"

A group of Professor Hitoshi Oto of Fukushima Medical University has discovered a new blood group "KANNO", which was tentatively named after the antigen's provider.
The group is just waiting for the approval of the International Society of Blood Transfusion ...
If approved, this is will be the first case in Japan.


Maria Sharapova is Type B

Maria Sharapova is Type B.

Japan seems to have many Type B female tennis players. In the case of individual competitions, does Type B stand out?


Former NY Mayor Mr. Michael Bloomberg is Type O

"Blue" instruments are shown in the picture below.

Source: CBS New York

The color is determined for each blood type, indicating that he is Type O.
By the way, A is yellow, B is white and  AB is red.


In Japan, psychology is considered as "nonscientific", "humanities" and "friendly" !?

As the image of psychology in here in Japan, "nonscientific", "humanities" and "friendly" factors were prominent.

Source: Assessment of psychological literacy of undergraduate students before receiving formal psychological education
Midori TOKITA 1), Tatsuya KANENO 1), Kenta NOMURA 1), Masayuki NARA 2).

1) Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Mejiro University [Japan]
2) Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mejiro University [Japan]

Objective: This research aimed to examine the psychological literacy of undergraduate students who major in health sciences and nursing.
Methods: We surveyed 303 undergraduate students using a questionnaire that tests their basic understanding of psychology, view of psychology, and expectation for psychology prior to their specialized education.
Results: We found that respondents (1) had a limited understanding of the objects and methods of psychological research, (2) had a biased view of psychology, undermining the scientific aspects of psychology [as the image of psychology, "nonscientific", "humanities" and "friendly" factors were prominent], and (3) tended to overestimate the effectiveness of psychological solutions on interpersonal problems.
Conclusions: The results indicated that curriculum for the elemental psychological education should be reorganized and reformed at the university.

Blood Type and Personality Paper in Pakistan

Kashaf MustafaSana Haseeb KhanFaiza Jave Is your blood grouping associated with personality and intelligence? September 2022 DOI: 10.51441/B...